The first is kindness; after hearing Sir Efren's story about how he found his "Salbabida," I was amazed at how Sir KB helped him, not only him but also other people in need of his kindness, to become a new person and have a new life, and Sir Efren is not selfish enough to give back what he received by helping others, as he did to kess. As he stated, he discovered kess at the age of four years old lying in front of a convenience shop, with people kicking him and numerous wounds on his hair. "Do things for people because of who they are, not because of what they do in return. As he stated, he discovered Kess at the age of four years old lying in front of a convenience shop, with people kicking him and numerous wounds on his hair. "Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are." Second, even though Sir Efren has a new world, he still knows how to respect Sir KB, and both Sir KB and Sir Efren still show respect to people like Kess, whom we can call a beggar, rather than kicking him. My parents taught me to always respect individuals, regardless of their social standing, because if you want to be respected, you must respect others. And I believe in the saying "don't judge a book by its cover because you never know what these people can do or who they can be, maybe the person you are bullying or insulating right is the People who can help you in the future, and respect is not just given to whom you want to give, respect is for everyone and Everything that God has made. Don't be afraid to help people because we never know when an act of kindness can make a huge difference in their lives. Perhaps God is using us as an instrument to help others find their purpose in life, and we will serve as their hope for a new life.


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